Oceanside California says it all when it comes to this race! How bad could it be, it's Southern California; great temps, moisture in the air, ocean swim, along the beach, and fun people. I truly had a great time at this race.
We all think, California, the pacific ocean, COLD water. Well, there was the idea of cold, but freezing is more like. I initially was thrilled because cold water meant wetsuit legal; that rarely happens. I think I got to wear my Zoot prophet wetsuit once last year. So starting my race season off with a wetsuit legal swim was a bonus.
To my surprise, after splashing my face several times with water before getting in, I never really got the "ice cream face" I had expected. Maybe it was also do to the fact that there really wasn't much time to think about it. We jumped in, I took a few deep breaths in, in an attempt to drop my heart rate due to the shock of the cold water; kicked my feet and swam hard to the start line. Fighting to line up in just the right spot without pushing others out of the way. Before I knew it, the fog horn sounded, and we were off. Arms slapping, feet kicking, and bodies bumping, all in an attempt to get a good spot amongst the group. Trying to find the shortest and most direct route. As expected, we all had the same idea, it wasn't until probably the first turn bouy before the group spread out a little. Even then, I still had two or three girls in front of me; which I welcomed so I had some feet to swim on; and a girl on either side of me. Trying my very best not to run in to them, apparently I wasn't doing a great job at that. By far, that was one of the most brutal swims I have been in a long time. I'm referring to all the bumping and hitting of arms. Nothing seemed intentional, but hard to avoid when a pack of 5 are fighting for that same spot out of the water.

So when I found myself coming out of the water with them and leaving T1 before several of them I was esthetic. I even road with the top girls for the first 90min of the ride until I got separated a little bit by the hills. During that time I was paranoid. A million things were running through my head, most of which were the rules and the question of, "am I riding far enough back? The last thing I need now is a drafting penalty." I found myself erring on the cautious side. It finally registered, that the motorcycles and officials were surrounding the top pack girls and not one of us were getting penalties, so I had to be within legal distance. So my thoughts quickly turned to, "race your race but don't let those girls get too much of a gap on." I did just that. I was really having a great time, still star struck that I was out there riding and hanging with the top pack of girls, then the hills hit.
Several people told me California 70.3 was hilly on the backside of the bike course. I looked at the profile several times and really wasn't too worried. Well, reality was, the backside was pretty dog on hilly. The two main big climbs were as expected. What I didn't expect was the rollers and false flats into a head wind afterwards. Those little hills and false flats just kept coming. That was when I lost sight of the last person in the lead pack. I didn't completely lose her, I could still see her when I crested a hill and she was climbing the next one. It was like dangling a rabbit out in front of me. Problem was, the hills were getting in my way; If I could have only moved them. None-the-less, I really felt good on the bike and had a good time out there chasing the last hour. With that being said, I also couldn't wait to get upright and run. I don't care how well your bike is fit to you, the last 30min or so on it, I want nothing more than to get off and run; a change in use of muscles. If it weren't for my nutrition (First Endurance EFS) being so good, I also don't think I would have enjoyed that ride as much as I did.

Overall this was a good season opener. I had a PR swim, a really good bike (PR in power), and as I mentioned before, I faded a little more than I would have liked on the run, but still hung in there. Most importantly, this race gave me the confidence I needed to know I can race with these girls. I may need the best race of my life to win over the top tier pros, but I sure am going to try! It also gave me the confidence that, even when I faded a little too much on the run, my bad run time is better than my fastest last year. Moving onward and upward!
Thanks to all my sponsor for their love and support. I couldn't be racing at this level without you!
Zoot Sports
First Endurance
Colorado Multisport
The Right Stuff
Pro Energy Towel
Enjoyed that race report. Seems like you crossed some personal boundaries and I bet this is going to be great season for you.