On many occasions during that run I probably wouldn't have stuck to my guns and pacing if it were for Shane screaming his head off at me. I was so well informed on my placement and time from 1st and 2nd place girls. All of his encouragement allowed me to separate myself from the pain and focus on my rabbit. Thanks babe you were a huge help! Also, a huge thanks to all my sponsors you have helped me tremendously; it wouldn't be possible without your support!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Austin 70.3
On many occasions during that run I probably wouldn't have stuck to my guns and pacing if it were for Shane screaming his head off at me. I was so well informed on my placement and time from 1st and 2nd place girls. All of his encouragement allowed me to separate myself from the pain and focus on my rabbit. Thanks babe you were a huge help! Also, a huge thanks to all my sponsors you have helped me tremendously; it wouldn't be possible without your support!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
NYC to Hy-Vee Roller Coaster
Not only were there a ton a perks to make our stay that much more comfortable, the venue was unbelievable. From my experience there isn't a better race than Hy-Vee Elite Cup Championships. Race day alone, made me extremely proud to be apart of such a great high caliber race. The field was crazy fast and intimidating; I was amongst the best of the best. Just before race start we were introduced and escorted to the barge, I was lined up between Sara Groff and Laura Bennett; the nerves really kicked in then. Unfortunately, the nerves only got worse.The foghorn sounded, diving into was a bit of relief; the race has begun. Swimming to that first turn bouy was rough. Swimming against the currant was bad enough, having to make it around the first turn bouy without any mishaps was brutal. Of course it resulted in some bloody noses, groaning grabbing, black eyes, etc. All unintentional I'm sure. It was merely impossible to avoid when you have 30 athletes converging into a small turn, trying to cut the corner tight and fighting against the push of the currant. Then we had free sailing for a little bit; I was flying when swimming with the current. Just to be rudely awakened by yet another battle against the current after we reached the second turn bouy. Now this was when my brain decided to take a small vacation; aka brain fart. Swimming towards swim exit, knowing good and well I needed to get out and dive back in for the second and then the third loop. Well, that just didn't happen. I was leading the second pack of woman, no one to follow (I guess I can make that and excuse :)) I do remember thinking why are the other girls swimming way off to the right? Of course they should have been, that was where swim exit was. I however, continued my course of action and swam past swim exit rolling right into my second loop. I was thrilled where I was sitting; mid-pack. Then the screeching words from one of the officials, "Mandy you have to get out of the water!" I can still hear the tone of his voice ringing in my ear. Just like that, from mid-pack to last. I played catch-up the remainder of the race. I managed to pass two girls on the swim, two girls on the bike, and gave it my all on the run. By the time it came to the run, I was spent. The cost of having to play catch-up took its toll. As soon as I took that first step, I could tell it was going to be a long run; it was!
Racing against the best of the best in the world and not finishing last, even with a huge rookie mistake, is something to be proud of. I have got to tell you all, that without the support of my sponsor (Specialized, 2XU, Right Stuff, Profile Design, Smith Optics, First Endurance I wouldn't be where I am today. Without the amazing bikes, gear, nutrition, etc. triathlon wouldn't be possible for me, especially at this level. My coach, fiance, friends and family also play a huge role in my success; their guidance and support is greatly appreciated. The tough days are always made easier when surrounded by positive energy. Thank you ALL!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Summer Melt Down
Thursday, May 19, 2011
5150 New Orleans
Monday, April 11, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
MIT-Pro Debut
Overall the day was definitely a learning experience. My morning routine was good. Everything went smoothly. Up at 4:30 and eating breakfast, which consisted of a brown rice wrap with almond butter and honey and an apple with a water bottle of the Right Stuff for additional electrolytes. Out the door in time to be at transition by 5:45am. While setting up transition, I continuously sip from a water bottle with the right stuff and EFS drink, to make sure I am well hydrated and adding the last bit of fuel just before the race begins. The females pros were in the water at 7:17, just 2min behind the male pros.
I really just kind of followed the leader when getting ready to get in the water before the race started. Once we were in the water we couldn’t get back out, so we waited until about 8min before we started. Then we jumped in to warm-up. Well, not much of a warm-up being that the water temp was 71 degrees and no wetsuits. There was a bit of a current from the tide coming in. We all paid attention to it. Then the fog horn sounded and we were off battling for our places. Immediately a group of ladies were out in front and weren’t letting up. I found myself between two ladies and it wasn’t a pretty swim. Literally hitting arms ever other stroke if not every stroke. The current was pushing us of course a bit so I fell back on Jenny Fletchers feet to get to the other side of her. Once I did that I was able to site the first turn bouy on my own and no more hitting of arms. We made the turn fine and started sighting what we thought was the correct bouy. We (Jenny Fletcher) and I come to find out that it wasn’t the correct bouy and had to swim back about 150m to get back on course; FRUSTRATING. Once back on course, I was able to see where I needed to go so I swam hard. I needed to catch up. I could see another athlete in front of me so I was determined to catch her. Once I realized I was making ground on her I swam even harder. I had too much of time to make up. I finally caught up and passed Angie Axman. However, she came out of the water just behind me and managed to pass me on the run into transition. She had a great swim to bike transition, I on the other hand did not. I actually mounted my bike twice…go figure.
My first bike mount I was told to get back off and walk the bike down the curb by the volunteers. I reluctantly listened, knowing it was going to tack on more time that I really didn’t need. So then I go to mount my bike the second time, my left shoe falls to the ground. I had to pick it up, put it on my foot, then begin my ride. Due to frustration, I yelled aloud, “you have got to be kidding me, what next!” One of the spectators heard me and tried to encourage me with, “you’re doing fine.” Thanks for the vote of confidence whom ever you were. It totally made me smile when I was able to get my head back on straight, attention back to the race, during the ride. So needless to say once again, I was playing catch-up. I had to convince myself I had a chance and to keep pushing hard. In the end, I was able to pass two girls on the bike, got passed by Jenny Fletcher and came into transition with a decent bike split.
Then to the run. My bike to run transition was flawless, finally something went right during this race. I could see Jenny just in front of me. I had my eyes on her, not letting anything get in my way from tracking her down. I passed her at about 1/2mile into the run. I thought to myself, one down only too many more to go. But I didn’t let myself get discouraged. I made sure I stuck to my pace and pushed on. Overall, my run was ok. In hindsight, I feel like I could have probably pushed a little harder if I had a rabbit. But since they were all so far ahead, I couldn’t even begin to make myself go any faster. In the end, I had my fastest run ever in an Olympic distance race. So, proof is in the pudding, training is paying off. I now just need to get rid of all the unnecessary glitches. MIT, my pro debut was a learning experience. I had a lot of fun and couldn’t thank my sponsors enough for all their help. (Specialized, 2XU, Profile Design, Right Stuff, Smith Optics, and First Endurance) Without them I wouldn’t have a fast and aero bike, comfortable race kits and compression gear, and the necessary nutrition to make my races a success. I can promise on thing, when it comes to races glitch free, you all will see me higher up in the ranking. It may take a few races to get the nerves out of my system. But I will be there…